MEASURE No. 23/2006. (IX.1.)
on the participation of international observers and international press representatives in the local governmental and minority elections on the 1st of October, 2006.
In my authority set forth in paragraph 39 article (2) of Act C. of year 1997
on the election procedure, regarding the participation of foreign observers and
international press representatives in the parliamentary election of 2006, I
take the following measure:
1. Hungary, as a country that has signed the 1990 Copenhagen document on the
human dimension of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
undertook liability to invite observers from other member countries and relevant
civic organisations for the elections to be held in the country. Therefore,
according to this commitment, all electoral offices should assist the lawful and
successful execution of the observation by foreigners.
2. Concerning the reception of international observers and international press
representatives, relevant electoral regulations should be consistently adhered
to, which are decisive mainly in three respects:
a) The operation and activity of the election committees and the information -
with the exceptions laid down in law - available to them are public. The
publicity of the election procedure cannot offend the secrecy of the voting nor
the rights related to personality and to the protection of personal data. (cp.
paragraph 6 article (1) of Act C. of year 1997).
b) Similarly to press representatives the international election observers are
allowed to be present at the work of the electoral committees - therefore also
at the work of the polling station committees - but they cannot disturb their
work (cp. paragraph 7 article (1) of Law C. of year 1997), and cannot give
orders to them.
c) The chairman of the polling station committee is responsible for maintaining
order in the polling-station and its environment during the polling day. The
measures made in order to maintain the order are obligatory for everyone -
including the foreign election observers and press representatives (cp.
paragraph 65 article (1) of Law C. of year 1997).
3. For the local elections, those persons are considered as international
election observers who have registered themselves as such at the National
Election Office and, having properly justified their identity and legitimacy,
the National Election Office has supplied them with accreditation cards. The
accreditation card serves also as an entry permit to the National Election
Centre (Duna Palota, Budapest, V., Zrínyi u. 5.).
When exercising their activities, in order to prove their official capacity, the
international election observers should put on or show their accreditation card.
4. For the local elections, the international press representatives operating in
Hungary may register themselves at the National Election Office. The National
Election Office will supply them with accreditation cards, which also serve as
entry permit to the National Election Centre (Duna Palota, Budapest, V., Zrínyi
u. 5.).
While exercising their duties, the international press representatives shall put
on or show their accreditation cards, or they shall attest their official
journalist capacity (by showing their press cards or assignment letters).
6. In order to exercise his/her relevant activity, in the period before the
polling day, the international election observer and international press
representative is allowed:
a) to participate on press conferences held for international observers and
international press;
b) to request for election-related information materials in Hungarian and in
foreign languages;
c) on the basis of previous arrangement, to collect information on the electoral
preparations at the National Election Office and at the electoral offices.
7. On the polling day the international election observer and the international
press representative:
a. is allowed to observe on site the beginning and the process of the voting at
any polling station selected by the observer, however it is necessary to
announce his/her intention to observe to the chairman of the polling station
committee on site;
b. is allowed to be given information about all particulars of public interest
related to the voting;
c. is allowed to be present (as observer) at the counting of the votes and to
receive verbal information about the results.
The excercising of the rights mentioned in points a)-c), shall be guaranteed by
every polling station committee.
8. The international election observers are allowed to publish their experience
and findings on press conferences organised for them by the National Election
Office, interviews given to Hungarian and foreign press representatives or in
other forms (e.g. submitting their written statements to the National Election
9. The heads of the regional election offices are allowed to receive
international observers in their competency, in their own authority in line with
clause 3, provided that the inviting party is the municipality, party or
non-governmental organisation operating in the area of competence of the
regional electoral office. The National Election Office should be informed about
the fact of the accreditation, in order to register the observer and provide him/her
subsequently with the election information materials.
The accreditation card issued for the regional-observer does not entitle the
owner to enter the National Election Centre and the rights established in this
very measure are limited to a defined area of the country (to the capital or the
county in which they are registered). The head of the regional election office
is responsible for providing the international observers and international press
representatives with all the information materials produced locally.
11. In his/her area of competence, the head of the regional election office:
- provides for the information of the local election offices and the adequate
preparation of the heads of the polling stations,
- in his/her report on the conduction of the local elections, informs the
National Election Office on the invitation of international observers, the
number of participants and the observations and findings established by them.
Budapest, 1st of September 2006.
Emília Rytkó