Election Information Service

The Electoral Information Service (ELISE henceforth - VISZ in Hungarian ) is operated by the National Electoral Office.

Its main task is to inform the voters, the press, local and foreign enquirers and political parties on legal questions.

Enquirers can ask questions by phone, fax, e-mail or mail and will receive an answer immediately if possible or in one or two days.

How can you reach the ELISE :

Personally : At the National Election Centre, at the BM Duna Palace  ( 5 Zrínyi street, 5th district, Budapest.) 

Opening hours :  Monday - Thursday 8.30 AM -16.30 PM , Friday : 8.30 AM -14.00 PM

Address : ELISE,  P.O. Box  81  Budapest 1450
Phone    : (+36-1) 266-1200
Freephone ( available in Hungary only) : 06-80-20-40-16 ( message recorder too)
FAX      : (+36-1) 332-6337