During both rounds of the parliamentary elections the National Electoral Office (NEO) opens the National Election Centre in the Danube Palace of the Ministry of Interior. On election day and on the days prior and following that, the National Election Committee (NEC) and the NEO welcomes the representatives of international and domestic press, international election experts and observers, moreover the interested Hungarian citizens.

The National Election Centre is open to the public as follows:

          April 5 (April 19), 2002, Friday: 9.00-18.00

          April 6 (April 20), 2002, Saturday: 9.00-16.00

          April 7 (April 21),2002, Sunday: from 6.00
          April 8 (April 22), 2002, Monday: 8.00-16.00

The Key Events at National Election Centre Related to Both Rounds:

*    On April 5 (April 19), Friday at 12.00 representatives of the NEC and the NEO will hold a press conference for the Hungarian press on the parliamentary elections, afterwards the National Election Centre will be introduced.

*    On April 6 (April 20), Saturday at 12.00 an international press conference will be held by the NEC and the NEO, followed by a introduction round-tour in the National Election Centre.

*    On April 7 (April 21), Sunday, on the election day, more than 30 computer terminals will be working to inform the NEC, the NEO, the press, the nominating organizations and the interested voters. On the terminals the turn-out (updated 6 times during the day), the data concerning the candidates and the nominating organizations, the vote counting and the data concerning the previous elections can be viewed.

*    On April 8 (April 22) at 11.00 the NEC and the NEO will hold a press conference on their experiences of the conduction of the elections.

*    On election day and two days prior and following it, the Election Information Service of the Centre will also be working here.

Further services provided by the National Election Centre:

*    exhibition on the history of elections
*    information sheets on the election
*    press service
*    Internet service
*    international phone service
*    restaurant & café