The National Election Committee


16th NOVEMBER, 1997


According to Sections (1) and (2), of Paragraph 24, of the Act XVII of the year 1989 the National Election Committee publishes the following data about the final results of the referendum, held on the 16th November, 1997:


  • 1. On the referendum the eligible voters in 3 152 settlements of the country, in 10 823 polling stations gave their votes on the following question:

    „Do you agree that the Hungarian Republic should provide the security

    of the country by joining the NATO?”

    2. The national summary of the polling station data:

  • The total of voters registered into the voter’s register up to 16 h, the day prior to the voting The number of registered voters in the voter’s register, on the day of the voting Number of voters canceled from the voter’s register on the day of the voting Number of voters being in the voter’s register at closing of the voting Number of citizens appeared as voters
    According to the identity card According to a certificate
    A B C D E F
    8 037 252 4376 18281 870 8 059 039 3 968 668



    Ballot papers being in the ballot box

    Ballot papers missing from the ballot box



    3 964 075

    4 597


    Number of valid votes

    Number of void votes



    3 919 114

    44 961


    Number of YES votes

    Number of NOT votes



    3 344 131

    574 983


  • Number of voters who appeared as voters (rubric F) is 4 persons less than the total of ballot papers in the ballot box (rubric G) and the ballot papers missing from the ballot box (rubric H).

    The difference is explained by the fact that in polling station No 17 in the town Érd (Pest county) by mistake four ballot papers more were given out.

    National election committee did not experience any sign of election fraud.

    3. The percentage of the summarized data:

  • on the question proposed.
  • 4. The National Election Committee states that according to Section (6) Paragraph 28/C of the Constitution the referendum is successful, since 41.50 % of all eligible voters cast their votes on the answer receiving the majority.

    5. The National Election Committee states that majority of voters who have cast a valid vote voted with a "Yes" answer on the proposed question.

    Budapest, 20 November, 1997.

    Chairman of the National Election Committee

    Members of the National Election Committee