Republic of Hungary

Territory: 93 030 sq km

The full length of the state border: 2 216.8 km

The highest point: Kékes (1014 m)

The lowest point: Gyálarét (78 m)

Main rivers: Danube (its length in Hungary: 417 km), Tisza (its length in Hungary: 596 km), Lajta, Rábca, Rába, Zala, Dráva, Ipoly, Zagyva, Sajó, Hernád, Bodrog, Szamos, Hármas-Körös, Maros

The largest lakes: Balaton (596 sq km), Velencei-tó (26 sq km), Fertő-tó (southern part, 75 sq km)

Geographical regions: the Great Hungarian Plain, Kisalföld /Small Plain/, Borderland or Foot of the Alps in Western Hungary, Transdanubian Hills, Transdanubian Mountain, Northern Mountain

Population (1 September 2003): 10 120 k persons

Density of population (1 January 2003): 109 inhabitants per sq km 

National and ethnic minorities acknowledged by law: Armenian, Bulgarian, Croatian, German, Greek, Gypsy, Polish, Romanian, Ruthenian, Serbian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Ukrainian

Official language: Hungarian

Capital: Budapest

Type of state: republic

Administrative division: 19 counties and the capital

Main religions: Roman Catholic, Protestant (Calvinist and Lutheran), Greek Catholic, Jewish, Orthodox

Main cities: (1 January 2003) Budapest (1 703.818 inhabitants), Debrecen (207.308 inhabitants), Miskolc (180.461 inhabitants), Szeged (163 173 inhabitants), Pécs (157.171 inhabitants), Győr (127.058 inhabitants)

Per capita GDP (gross national product, 2002): Ft1648.2 k, USD6390* , EUR6783 (*calculated at the official middle rate of the National Bank of Hungary)

Official currency: forint /HUF/

World Heritage sites 

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation's (UNESCO) World Heritage listed Hungarian values are as follows:

- In Budapest the panorama of the two banks of the River Danube and the Castle District in Buda; on the Buda side, the section reaching from the bridgehead of Petőfi-híd in Buda through Gellért Hill, Tabán to the Castle Hill and Watertown; on the Pest side, the area extending from the bridgehead of Margit-híd in Pest to Petőfi-híd including the Parliament (1987) 

- Hollókő, 55 typical houses of the old village among the mountains of Cserhát (1987) 

- The limestone cave system in Aggtelek jointly with Slovakia (1995) 

- The arch-abbey and church of the Benedictine Order, the Millennium Monument, the Calvary and the Blessed Virgin Chapel in Pannonhalma. (1996)

- Hortobágy National Park, one of Europe's largest, protected grassy plains including the bridge with nine holes in Hortobágy, the Inn of Hortobágy and the Shepherd Museum. (1999)

- The collection of old Christian relics of Pécs: the burial hall and its painted burial vaults (2000)

- Fertő / Neusiedlersee cultural landscape: Due to its unique natural values, the Unesco has declared it a biosphere reserve. In cooperation between Hungary and Austria, as an example to follow, and on the basis of a proposal based on common guidelines, the World Heritage Commission, nevertheless, included the Fertő lake / Neusiedlersee and the surrounding settlements in the List of World Inheritances in 2001.

- In Budapest the part of Andrássy út from Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út to the rounded arch of the statute gallery of the millennium monument, which broadens on the section between Nagymező utca and Teréz körút to Király utca, including the building of the Music Academy. The two large museum buildings on Heroes' Square: the Museum of Fine Arts and the Art Gallery are also World Heritage listed (2002)

- The panorama of the wine-growing region at the foot of the hill of Tokaj clearly demonstrates the ancient tradition of wine-making in this region of low hills and river valleys. With the network of vine-lands, homesteads and small towns, deep wine cellars, it illustrates each aspect of producing the famous wines of Tokaj, the quality and the process, strictly regulated for almost 300 years. (2002)