08:00:00 04-22-2014
Name of candidate | Organizations nominating candidates |
Decision of the Election Committee (EC) |
Date of decision of the EC |
State | Date of the termination of candidacy |
Szakál Loránd György | MRPP | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Baráth Zsolt György | JOBBIK | Registered | 2014.02.24 | Stands for election | |
Horváthné Farkas Ilona | MDU | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Szép Tivadar | KISGAZDAPÁRT,MIÉP | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Szabó Lászlóné | TEMPO | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Kovács Ferenc Gábor | ZÖLDEK | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Kézér Tamás | FÜGGETLEN KISGAZDAPÁRT | Registered | 2014.02.24 | Stands for election | |
Iváncsik Imre | MSZP,EGYÜTT,DK,PM,MLP | Registered | 2014.02.21 | Stands for election | |
Nagy József | AQP | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election | |
Jakab János | MCP | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election | |
Biró Gyula | ÖP | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Bencsik Mihály | MUNKÁSPÁRT | Registered | 2014.02.26 | Stands for election | |
Szűcs Lajosné | EP | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Hadvina Zsolt József | MGP | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election | |
Dr. Pálfi Miklós | SZOCIÁLDEMOKRATÁK | Registered | 2014.02.27 | Stands for election | |
Dr. Kenyeresné Kosik Ilona | JESZ | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election | |
Dr. Bene Ildikó | FIDESZ,KDNP | Registered | 2014.02.18 | Stands for election | |
Varga Erika Katalin | SEM | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Együtt Zsuzsanna | REND, SZABADSÁG, JÓLÉT PÁRT | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Dr. Pető Ernő Zoltán | LMP | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election | |
Horváth Zoltán | SMS | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election | |
Hári Antal Dezső | A HAZA NEM ELADÓ MOZGALOM PÁRT | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election | |
Szalai Ferenc | HATMAP | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Reiner Tibor | NEMZETI ÉRDEKÉRT PÁRT | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election |