08:00:00 04-22-2014
Name of candidate | Organizations nominating candidates |
Decision of the Election Committee (EC) |
Date of decision of the EC |
State | Date of the termination of candidacy |
György Roland | FÜGGETLEN KISGAZDAPÁRT | Registered | 2014.03.07 | Stands for election | |
Bárdos Egonné | ÉLŐLÁNC | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Kanalas Antal | Független jelölt | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Jakab Elvira | Független jelölt | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Debreczeni István Zsolt | EP | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Vona Gábor | JOBBIK | Registered | 2014.02.20 | Stands for election | |
Pászti Zsolt | 4K! | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Csorba Vivien | ÚGP | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Jakab Gáborné | Független jelölt | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Rozinka Gyöngyi | HATMAP | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election | |
Patakfalviné Szendrői Ilona | MGP | Registering refused | 2014.03.04 | May not stand for election | |
Schopf Rita | MSZDP | Registered | 2014.03.04 | Stands for election | |
Péter József | MCF | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Dr. Lukács Zoltán | LMP | Registered | 2014.02.27 | Stands for election | |
Szegváry Krisztián | SEM | Registered | 2014.03.04 | Stands for election | |
Kanalas Jenőné | Független jelölt | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Kucsera-Papp Katalin | TBP | Registering refused | 2014.03.04 | May not stand for election | |
Csikné Berkes Renáta | MAGYAR CSELEKVŐ PÁRT | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Fendrikné Kovács Adrienn | ÚDP | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Semegi Richárd | Független jelölt | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Rostásné Farkas Noémi | Független jelölt | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Rácz Miklós | KMSZ | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Snep Andrea | REND, SZABADSÁG, JÓLÉT PÁRT | Registered | 2014.03.05 | Stands for election | |
Suha Jenő | EU. ROM | Registered | 2014.03.04 | Stands for election | |
Huszárné Luda Ágnes | MDU | Registered | 2014.03.09 | Stands for election | |
Rostás Norbert | Független jelölt | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Tenke János | A HAZA NEM ELADÓ MOZGALOM PÁRT | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election | |
Dr. Sós Tamás | MSZP,EGYÜTT,DK,PM,MLP | Registered | 2014.02.25 | Stands for election | |
Tóth Zsanett | JESZ | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Ivády Gábor | KTI | Registered | 2014.02.28 | Stands for election | |
Rézműves Róbert | MCP | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election | |
Jakab Mónika | Független jelölt | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Vidák Róbert | Független jelölt | Registering refused | 2014.03.04 | May not stand for election | |
Szabó Sándor Miklós | SZOCIÁLDEMOKRATÁK | Registered | 2014.02.27 | Stands for election | |
Kostyánszki Attila | SZDP | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Berkesné Kállai Klára | EGYÜTT 2014 | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Egyed Mónika | ÖP | Registered | 2014.02.28 | Stands for election | |
Horváth László Dezső | FIDESZ,KDNP | Registered | 2014.02.20 | Stands for election | |
Horváth Mihály | ZÖLDEK | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election | |
Subicz István | SMS | Registered | 2014.03.03 | Stands for election | |
Schultheisz Péterné | NEMZETI ÉRDEKÉRT PÁRT | Registering refused | 2014.03.03 | May not stand for election | |
Berkes Cristopher Elemér | ÚMP | Registering refused | 2014.03.05 | May not stand for election | |
Szalai László | Független jelölt | Registering refused | 2014.03.04 | May not stand for election | |
Kanalas László | Független jelölt | Before decision | Withdrawn | 2014.03.03 |