13:02:50 05-04-2010

11th - 25th April 2010

 Candidates of number 04 parliamentary single-member constituency (Balassagyarmat ) in NÓGRÁD  county  

1st round

Name of candidate Organizations nominating
Decision of the
Election Committee (EC)
Date of decision
of the EC
State Date of the termination
of candidacy
Balla Mihály FIDESZ,KDNP Registered  2010.03.03  Indulhat      .  .   
Dr. Czuczi János Jobbik Registered  2010.02.19  Indulhat      .  .   
Dr. Dobos Attila MDF Registered  2010.03.12  Indulhat      .  .   
Ferencz Sándor MSZDP Registered  2010.03.18  Indulhat      .  .   
Dr. Frankfurter Zsuzsanna MUNKÁSPÁRT Registered  2010.03.12  Indulhat      .  .   
Galanics Zoltán LEHET MÁS A POLITIKA Registered  2010.03.18  Indulhat      .  .   
Lombos István MSZP Registered  2010.03.03  Indulhat      .  .   
Kürti Linda MIÉP Registering refused  2010.03.19  May not stand for election      .  .