Candidates and lists

Statistics on national and regional candidates and lists
Parties putting up candidates/lists
Declarations of parties
Candidates and lists put up by parties
Parties putting up most candidates and lists
Independent candidates
Putting up national and regional lists
Nomination of individual candidates

At the parliamentary elections, those social organizations can nominate candidates and put up lists that comply with the requirements of the law regulating the functioning and economic management of parties (hereinafter: parties). Two or more parties can nominate a joint candidate and independent candidates can stand for election in the single-member constituencies as well.

In single member constituencies, the collection of 750 valid "endorsement coupons" (also known as recommendation slip, proposal coupon) is required for becoming a candidate.

In regional (county, metropolitan) constituencies, those parties can launch a list that have been able to put up individual candidates in one quarter of the individual constituencies belonging to the constituency, but at least in two of them. Two or more parties - based on joint individual nomination - may launch a common list. Three times as many candidates may be launched on the list than the number of the mandates obtainable in the regional constituency concerned. (You find information about the number of mandates - seats - obtainable on each regional list as well as about the number of single member constituencies required for putting up a list on the page Data of electoral districts.)

Those parties can launch a national list, which have been able to put up list in at least seven regional constituencies. On the basis of common regional lists, common national list can be launched. Three times as many candidates can be launched on the national list than the number of mandates obtainable (i.e. 3x58=174 candidates). Voters cannot cast votes for the national list since these mandates (seats) shall be allocated among the lists in the proportion of votes cast for the individual candidates and the regional lists of parties without obtaining mandates ("fragmentary votes").