02:14:41 10-01-2016

October 2, 2016

District of the Karcag 006. polling district

Zádor utca 3. (Általános Iskola)

More specific data are available in the table, the map contains indicative data only!

The table contains the district data relevant at the time (2016.07.05) of the creation of the registers of electors

Name and nature of the public space Building number Type
from to
Building number Building Staircase Building number Building Staircase
Ágota utca 000061     000061     every number
Ágota utca 000064     999998 9999 9999 every number
Agyag utca             whole unit
Borjúdűlő temető ház             whole unit
Cserepes utca             whole unit
Daru utca             whole unit
Dózsa György út 000069     999999 9999 9999 odd numbers
Északi utca             whole unit
Északi újtelep              whole unit
Gyep utca             whole unit
Halom utca             whole unit
Hortobágyi utca             whole unit
Kálvária utca             even numbers
Külterület ház 002198/0008     002198/0008     every number
Napsugár utca             whole unit
Pacsirta utca             whole unit
Szélmalom utca             whole unit
Szent István sugárút 000088     999998 9999 9999 every number
Tanya  000003     000005     odd numbers
Tanya  000014     000030     even numbers
Tanya  000021/A001     000023     odd numbers
Tanya  000144     000144     every number
Tanya  000203     000203     every number
Tanya  000230     000238/0002     even numbers
Tanya  000269     000279     odd numbers
Tanya  000328     000328     every number
Tanya  000362     000382     even numbers
Tanya  000369     000403     odd numbers
Tanya  000390     000390     every number
Tanya  000412     000422     even numbers
Tanya  000429     000433     odd numbers
Tanya  000430     000468     even numbers
Tanya  000463     000481     odd numbers
Tanya  001235     001339     odd numbers
Tanya  001416     001588     even numbers
Tanya  001622     001810     even numbers
Tanya  002330     002330     every number
Temető utca             even numbers
Tilalmasi Áll.Gazd. telep             whole unit
Vágóhíd utca             whole unit
Vágóhíd              whole unit
Zádor utca 000036     999998 9999 9999 even numbers
Zádor utca 000057     999999 9999 9999 odd numbers