02:14:41 10-01-2016

October 2, 2016

District of the Tiszacsege 002. polling district

Fő utca 95. (Általános Iskola)

More specific data are available in the table, the map contains indicative data only!

The table contains the district data relevant at the time (2016.07.05) of the creation of the registers of electors

Name and nature of the public space Building number Type
from to
Building number Building Staircase Building number Building Staircase
Barna utca             whole unit
Bem utca 000006     999998 9999 9999 every number
Bethlen utca             whole unit
Csonka utca             whole unit
Csurgó utca 000001     000009     odd numbers
Dobó utca 000037     999998 9999 9999 every number
Esze Tamás utca             whole unit
Fő utca 000071     999999 9999 9999 odd numbers
Fő utca 000084     999998 9999 9999 even numbers
Hataj utca 000044     999998 9999 9999 even numbers
Hataj utca 000051     999999 9999 9999 odd numbers
Hold utca             whole unit
Iskola utca 000001     000002     every number
Kazinczy utca 000005     999999 9999 9999 odd numbers
Kazinczy utca 000026     999998 9999 9999 even numbers
Kendergyár gyártelep             whole unit
Kinizsi utca             whole unit
Kossuth utca 000018     000034     even numbers
Kossuth utca 000027     000045     odd numbers
Kölcsey utca 000004     999998 9999 9999 every number
Petőfi utca             even numbers
Rákóczi utca             whole unit
Teleki utca             whole unit
Temető utca             whole unit
Tisza utca 000008     000016     even numbers
Tisza utca 000057     000065     odd numbers
Tó utca             whole unit
Toldi utca             whole unit
Zrínyi utca 000016     999998 9999 9999 even numbers
Zrínyi utca 000027     999999 9999 9999 odd numbers