Updated: October 2, 2016 11:21 AM

National referendum
October 2, 2016


Indicative data 11 a.m. turned out to vote

Jánosháza turnout data in polling districts

Ordinal number Address Number of electors Number of voters turned out to vote Percentage of voters turned out to vote
Jánosháza total  2 075   322   15,52  %
001 Ady u.14. (Szent Imre Iskola)  705   118  16.74 %
002 Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 2. (ÁMK Műv.Otthon Könyvtár)  642   102  15.89 %
003 Kossuth tér 5. (Batthyány Iskola)  728   102  14.01 %